Celebrating 65 years of Corvetting at Shaheen Chevrolet in Lansing, MI. Photo credit to Tom Faupel.

Points Program

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Leadership Points:

For definition purposes only. See the Social or Competition Points sections below for Leadership Points distribution rules.
Leadership points will be defined as points awarded for Chairing, Hosting, or Organizing CCCC events. In order to earn leadership points for social events, the event must be designated as a Club Event with a minimum of 10 days prior notification and include the participation of not less than 10 CCCC members.

  • Ten points for Chairing/Co-Chairing a major competition event such as Blessing of the Vettes, Children's Miracle Network Car Show, Corrigan Oil Speedway, Rallyes, etc. These events usually involve acquiring trophies, fund solicitation, prize acquisition, sponsors, long term planning and coordination of more than a few weeks. See the Competition Points section below for distribution rules for these types of points.
  • Five points for Hosting/Co-Hosting a large social event such as a drive & dine, bingo, bonfire-hayride, Crossroads, other overnight trips, etc. These events usually involve short term planning and organization beyond simply meeting at a predetermined location, but don’t require prizes, funds, or sponsors. See the Social Points section below for distribution rules for these types of points.
  • One point for Organizing a small social event or get-together such as breakfasts, ice cream cruises, tech nights, shopping trips, etc. These events usually only require scheduling and communicating a place. There will be no point awarded for Co-Organizing a small social event. See the Social Points section below for distribution rules for these types of points.
  • On a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the board, leadership points may be awarded even when fewer than 10 members participate in the event.

Social Points:

Social points will be defined as points awarded for events where no competition is involved. Examples of these are: parades, general membership meetings, awards banquets, drive & dines, bingo etc. In order to earn points for social events, the social event must be designated as a Club Event with a minimum of 10 days prior notification (event flyer recommended). A Club Event is a gathering that includes not less than 10 members with or without a chairperson.

To be eligible for social points you must be in attendance at the event for greater than 50% of the event’s duration. Points for social events will be as follows:

  • One point for attending a CCCC membership meeting or awards banquet.
  • CCCC Large Social Events (drive & dine, bingo, bonfire-hayride, Crossroads, other overnight trips, etc.):
    • Five leadership points for hosting/co-hosting a large social event; or
    • Three points for working a full large social event; or
    • One point for participation in a large social event.
  • CCCC Small Social Events (breakfasts, ice cream cruises, tech nights, shopping trips, etc.):
    • One leadership point for organizing a small social event (only one host will receive a leadership point for organizing a small social event); and
    • One point for participation in a small social event.
  • One bonus point for bringing a Corvette to any of the above events. The points will be awarded to member couples even if one of them arrives in a vehicle other than a Corvette, or for any CCCC member riding along in another CCCC member’s Corvette.

Competition Points:

Competition points will be defined as points awarded for events where competition is involved. Examples of these are: racing events, rallyes, training schools, concours or car shows, etc. In order to earn points for competition events, the competition event must be designated as a CCCC event, NCCC or Michigan Region event. The NCCC or Michigan Region event can be sanctioned or non-sanctioned. Entry is defined as registration in the event.

To be eligible for competition points you must be in attendance at the event for greater than 50% of the event’s duration. Per the CCCC By-Laws, the 10 CCCC member minimum requirement applies only to social events (described above) not competition events. Points for competition events will be as follows:

  • CCCC Competition Events (Blessing of the Vettes, Children's Miracle Network Car Show, Corrigan Oil Speedway, Rallyes, etc.):
    • Ten leadership points for chairing or co-chairing a CCCC sponsored (or CCCC co-hosted with another club) race, rallye, training school, concours or car show (major competition) event. The chair or co-chair must be instrumental in organizing and running the event. “Signature Only” chairpersons will not be awarded points; or
    • Five points for working a CCCC (or CCCC co-hosted with another club) full competition event; or
    • Three points for entry and participation in a CCCC sanctioned or non-sanctioned (or CCCC co-hosted with another club) competition event; or five points if it is a racing event.
  • Two points for entry and participation in another NCCC club’s sanctioned competition event, regardless of the quantity of NCCC sanction numbers assigned to that event; or five points if it is a racing event.
  • One point for entry and participation in another NCCC or Michigan Region club’s non-sanctioned competition event.
  • One bonus point for each Corvette you enter in any of the above events. The points will be awarded to member couples even if one of them arrives in a vehicle other than a Corvette, or for any CCCC member riding in a Corvette to the event (or riding in a Corvette at a rallye, high or low speed event).
  • One bonus point for transporting the club trailer to any of the above events.

Other Points:

Other points will be defined as points for items not covered in the Social or Competition Points categories above. The 10 CCCC member minimum requirement does not apply to these points. Entry is defined as registration in the event.

  • Two points for visiting the National Corvette Museum (NCM) in Bowling Green, KY. Award of points limited to two visits per year. Does not apply to multiple day NCM Bashes, Reunions, Caravans, etc. (see below)
  • Two points for touring the GM Corvette Assembly Plant in Bowling Green, KY. Award of pointed limited to two visits per year.
  • Two points for writing an article for the CCCC Newsletter. The article must be at least ½ page in length. Articles are published at the discretion of the CCCC Editor. Articles or reports required by an elected officer are not eligible. Up to 12 points per year.
  • One point for each full day in attendance at the annual NCCC Convention.
  • One point for attending the NCCC Michigan Region Banquet.
  • One point for each full day in attendance at all Corvette events such as NCM Bashes, Bloomington Gold, Black Hills Corvette Classic, Carlisle, etc.
  • One point for each Corvette you enter in any non-sanctioned all Corvette show.
  • One point for each Corvette you enter in any open class or non-Corvette only car show or competition, provided a CCCC static cling is prominently displayed in your Corvette’s window or you are wearing CCCC attire. Does not apply to informal gatherings such as cruise-ins or meet-ups.
  • Five points for each CCCC elected office held, or serving as the Quartermaster or Webmaster of the Club Website.
  • Three points for each appointed position held, such as NCM Ambassador, Historian, Hearts & Flowers Coordinator, etc.

Please contact our Points Director at 4c.points@cccorvette.org if you have questions about this program.

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007