About Us

Background Information:
Capital City Corvette Club was established in 1958. Club members enjoyed several celebrations throughout 2023 in honor of our 65th anniversary including a club photoshoot at Shaheen Chevrolet and a party at the Maynard's.
CCCC was one of the original five clubs that founded the National Council of Corvette Clubs in 1959. In the early days, the number of clubs was rather small - with all being located east of the Mississippi River. As of May there were 234 Clubs in 16 Regions, both east and west of the Mississippi! The National Council of Corvette Clubs is comprised of 17,815 Members and is the largest non-profit, all-volunteer Corvette organization in the United States! CCCC is one of 15 Corvette clubs that make up the Michigan Region of NCCC.
The purpose of CCCC and NCCC is to promote interest in Corvette ownership and operation, to publish information on the use and operation of the Corvette, and to establish an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the enjoyment connected with the use of the Corvette! As the NCCC slogan states, "We joined for the car. We stay for the people."
Capital City Corvette Club follows an approved set of By-Laws, which includes our full-purpose statement.

Meeting Information:
Capital City Corvette Club's general membership meetings are
Delhi Cafe(1)
4625 Willoughby Road, Holt, Michigan
Our meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
(Members start to arrive as early as 5:30 p.m. to eat and socialize before the meeting)
Yahoo! Maps will help you pinpoint our meeting location, just east of Cedar Street in Holt.
Club Activities and Community Involvement:
Member Activities: CCCC is involved in an array of activities designed to promote fellowship among members, including: Breakfasts, drive and dines, bowling, and road trips. Members also have the opportunity to participate in car shows and concourses, autocross, road rallyes, and parades that allow them to earn points at local, regional, and national levels. Our club also receives points when our members participate in NCCC sanctioned events!
Community Involvement: We host a variety of car shows and other activities throughout the year, providing us with funds we donate to public-spirited organizations in the community. In the spring, our annual Blessing of the Vettes car show raises funds for the VFW National Home for Children, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. In the fall, we host a car show at Shaheen Chevrolet to raise funds for a local charity. This years show will benefit Ele's Place, a healing center for grieving children and teens. CCCC members also host BINGO in the spring and for two different groups of lively senior citizens. Members bring the prizes and an assortment of snacks to share with the residents.
We wrap up each year by donating to the Greater Lansing Food Bank and several other local charities. Since 2005 we have donated more than $150,000 back into the community.
As you can see, we are involved in a variety of activities, all designed to have fun with our cars and fellow club members. Please come to a meeting or contact any of our club officers if you are interested in learning more about our club events, NCCC Convention, or NCCC as a whole. New members are always welcome.
Find out more about CCCC's community involvement.
Hearts & Flowers:
Capital City Corvette Club adopted our Hearts and Flowers program to acknowledge the following circumstances within our membership:
- A card will be sent when an illness or injury takes place within a member's immediate(2) family, or to acknowledge a special anniversary or birthday (25th, 50th, etc.)
- A card will be sent to the member and a donation is forwarded to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (or other charity designated by the family or NCCC) to acknowledge a member's marriage, the birth of a members child, or the loss of an immediate(2) family member.
Please contact our Hearts and Flowers Coordinator at 4c.hearts@cccorvette.org if you are aware of anything that needs to be acknowledged within our membership. Be sure to include "Hearts" in the subject line. Remember, if you don't tell us, we won't know!
Club Sponsor:
Shaheen Chevrolet
is the official sponsor of Capital City Corvette Club. Be sure
to call our club contact, Ben Behnke, at 517.881.9253 when looking for your next new or used vehicle!
(1) Our Christmas Luncheon takes the place of the
December General Membership Meeting. Watch for details.
(2) Immediate family includes child, spouse/mate, parent,