Membership Benefits
Benefits of Belonging to Capital City Corvette Club:

Capital City Corvette Club is a Charter Member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs. NCCC was founded in 1959 by a small group of Corvette owners and enthusiasts as an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. The purpose of NCCC was, and still is, to promote interest in Corvette ownership and operation, to publish information on the use and operation of the Corvette and to establish an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the enjoyment connected with the use of the Corvette! Some of the many benefits of belonging to CCCC/NCCC are listed below.
Community Involvement and Charities:
CCCC is involved in our community. Each year we raise funds for the VFW National Home for Children, Children's Miracle Network, Greater Lansing Food Bank and other local organizations. Since 2005, more than $150,000 has been raised by CCCC members for the benefit of those less fortunate. In addition, we offered our support to the former Capital Area Muscle Car Club as they raised $60,000 for Sparrow Hospice Services. Visit our Community Involvement page for more information.
The NCCC Charity Program holds a raffle each year to raise funds for St. Judes Children's Research Hospital. In past years NCCC raised more than a half million dollars for the National Kidney Foundation's U.S. Transplant Games.
Competition Programs:
In order to encourage interactivity between individual clubs, NCCC has organized a comprehensive National Competition Program. We have a set of Rules that are nationally recognized and followed. A National Points Standing compilation is maintained by the Vice President of Competition and a Regional Points Standing that each Regional Competition Director is responsible to maintain. Trophies are awarded to Michigan's top competitors at the Michigan Region Awards Banquet held each spring. The top national competitors receive awards at NCCC's annual convention.
In addition, CCCC has a Points Program that encourages members to organize, work at, or participating in a variety of fun activities. The Top Ten participants receive an award at our spring banquet.
NCCC hosts an annual Convention in different parts of our country each summer. NCCC members come together from across the nation for a week of getting to know each other. Every day is filled with Corvette related activities such as drag racing, high and/or low speed events, funkhanas, rallyes and car shows. Day trips are often available for individuals that aren't involved in competition events at Convention. At the end of the day everyone gets together for a fun filled evening of entertainment, dancing, or just relaxing and visiting with friends.
Visit the NCCC Convention Page for information on past, present and future NCCC conventions.
CCCC's sponsor, Shaheen Chevrolet, offers members a 10% discount on parts and labor in their service department. When in the market for a new or used vehicle, members can contact our club liaison, Ben Behnke. Ben will work to get members to get their best deal.
In addition, many national companies offer discounts to NCCC members. Others donate a percentage to NCCC when a member purchases their goods or services. Discount information is available on the Discounts page of NCCC's Website. Links are included to the websites of these companies.
Future Corvette Owners Association:

Since 1991 the Future Corvette Owners Association (FCOA) has been the youth organization of NCCC, the largest non-profit Corvette organization in the United States. A unique Corvette club for kids. FCOA projects are also supported by other major automotive-related businesses. Its mission is to instill and then maintain an interest in the Corvette hobby within the younger generation. CCCC members currently sponsor 32 children in FCOA.
Insurance is a complex and sometimes confusing subject to understand with many individuals. Frustration in trying to understand coverage can create a mentality as to why do we even need it. Visit the NCCC insurance information page to help understand what the NCCC policies are, who is and is not covered, and what is and is not covered. And don't forget, many insurance companies offer discounts to individual members of NCCC.
Membership Materials:
New CCCC Members will receive a membership packet that includes a name badge and a club tee-shirt. As a member, you will be able to purchase and wear CCCC apparel. NCCC provides a membership card showing that you are a member of our club. As a NCCC member you will also be able to purchase NCCC logo merchandise and other items.
NCCC Scholarship Program:
This program has been in existence since 1990 and is funded through donations from Clubs, individuals and corporate friends. The NCCC Scholarship Committee awards $1,000.00 scholarships to worthy young people who have some connection with NCCC through a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc., who has been a member of NCCC for at least three years. "Some connection" implies that the applicant's relatives should have knowledge of the various requirements of the NCCC Scholarship Program. Be sure to plan ahead for next year by reviewing material on the program, including the deadline for submission.
NCCC publishes a national quarterly magazine to keep members up to date on what is happening in their region and nationally. Blue Bars is a wonderful example of the Corvette fun that NCCC generates.
On a local level, CCCC publishes The Connection, a monthly newsletter posted on our Website. The Connection helps keep CCCC members informed of upcoming club activities.
The National Council of Corvette Clubs has a Website that connects 233 clubs in 16 regions across the United States. The Website is a central location for NCCC members to get information and keep current with other members. NCCC also has an active Facebook page.
The Michigan Region of NCCC has a Website that connects 15 affiliated clubs in Michigan. A calendar on this site keeps members updated on competitive events happening within the Region. In addition, competition points are tracked and posted for the Michigan Region.
CCCC has its own award winning Website to keep members informed of club activities. You will find information on club social, fundraising and competitive activities as well as event pictures. The Website also provides Members with an avenue to advertise items for sale. Our Late Breaking News page provides links to NCCC and Michigan Region news and events. In addition, CCCC has an active Facebook page.
NCCC is based on having fun with your Corvette! We have many Clubs and Members that enjoy their Corvettes and have made lifelong friends through this fine Council! You will not find any kinder Corvette people anywhere! NCCC brings the Corvette community together to honor America's True Sports Car: THE CORVETTE!
Please contact CCCC's Membership Director at if you have questions about joining CCCC.